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Donate Items or Host a Donation Drive

Many nonprofits have very limited budgets so donating items can really help them fulfill their mission. These items can be donated by individuals or by hosting a donation drive with a group. HandsOn San Diego is not able to verify volunteer hours for donating items or hosting donation drives. The benefitting organizations may be able to provide documentation to verify time spent on a donation drive. 

  • Auntie Helen's Community Thrift

    • Auntie Helen's feeds 338 families weekly with underlying health conditions so they need donations of canned goods, peanut butter, canned meats and/or any canned or dry food items. They also welcome donations of blankets and hygiene kits for the homeless individuals they support. Donations can be dropped off at their store during open hours at 4127 30th St, San Diego, CA 92104. For more information, contact ahstoremanager@gmail.com

  • ElderHelp

    • ElderHelp is accepting in-kind donations at their Kearny Mesa location. Items needed include: canned soups, chicken and vegetable broth, canned meats i.e. tuna and chicken, peanut butter, instant plain oatmeal, Ensure drinks, healthy cereals, Depends (mens and womens), paper towels, and Lysol wipes. Click here to learn more.

  • Heaven's Windows

    • Heaven's Windows provides grab and go meals for children at 4 sites throughout San Diego County. They are seeking donations of whole grain crackers, animal crackers, pretzels, and fruit/veggie 4oz juice boxes (100% juice) to include in their meal packages. Contact Karen Fontenette at kedmonds@heavenswindows.org to donate. 

  • Living Coast Discovery Center

    • Living Coast Discovery Center is a nonprofit zoo & aquarium located in Chula Vista, (San Diego), Ca. Their mission is to inspire the community to connect with and care for our coastal environment. They provide home to a variety of animals including sea turtles, fish, sharks, rays, eagles, hawks, owls, snakes, and tortoises, and many more. Your purchase of items on their Amazon Wish List will help them continue to care for these animals year-around!

  • Lucky Duck Foundation

    • Your clothes can help employment & education-seekers look and feel their best. The Lucky Duck Foundation has teamed up with LNDRY to pick up your gently used clothes and shoes donations - for FREE! Conviently schedule a pick up today. LNDRY will pick up your gently used clothes, wash them, and deliver to the Lucky Duck Foundation's employment and job training programs. 

  • PATH San Diego

    • PATH is seeking in-kind donations of donations of Care Kits and Welcome Home Kits. Care Kits include new travel-size hygiene items and non-perishable snacks. PATH street outreach teams distribute care kits to neighbors experiencing homelessness using them as a tool to form trust and build relationships. Welcome Home Kits include items for recently housed clients such as: plates, pots, pans, utensils, toilet paper, paper towels, cleaning products, sheets, pillowcases, pillows, and bath/kitchen towels. Please contact sigrids@epath.org for details. 

  • Plant It Again

    • Plant It Again is seeking garden pots of all sizes, succulent and cactus soil, garden tools such as gloves and spades. When the public donates their succulent cuttings right from their yards, they will use the pots and soil to replant them in. They work alongside adults with disabilities and train/hire them to create plant arrangements. Contact Page Kries to donate, paigek@plantitagain.org.

  • San Diego Futures Foundation

    • San Diego Futures Foundation has an immediate need for computers to refurbish and distribute them to seniors, persons with disabilities, veterans, and at-risk youth. The demands far exceed their supply.

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