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Sponsor a VolunBEERS Service Project

HandsOn San Diego is the only countywide nonprofit focused on connecting volunteers with community needs. Our mission is to strengthen communities through volunteer action. We believe that when individuals are actively engaged, communities are stronger. HOSD works with local nonprofits, community organizations and parks to identify group volunteer projects. HOSD does the legwork to make volunteering easy for you!

What is VolunBEERS?

VolunBEERS is a way to engage the community in service through our unique approach involving a local nonprofit, HOSD, and a local brewery, winery or restaurant. Past service projects have included: making blankets for cancer patients, dog toys for the Humane Society, and bookmarks for the San Diego Public Libraries. It’s a fun and social way to work together to benefit a local cause.

Why sponsor VolunBEERS?

Sponsors immediately become associated with the social capital and goodwill earned by HandsOn San Diego over our years of dedicated community service. Sponsor employees who attend VolunBEERS can participate in a rewarding hands-on project making a difference in the lives of others. The benefits include team building and positive company branding.

What sponsorship levels are available?

Event Sponsor
Be the star of the show! You’ll have premiere placement in all marketing activities and will speak at the event. Only one Event sponsorship is available.

Beneficiary Sponsor
This sponsorship level underscores your commitment to the nonprofit benefitting from the event. You’re included in all the communications and can display your own promotional materials to our patrons. Two sponsorships are available at this level.

Project Sponsor
The projects made are central to the volunteer aspect of VolunBEERS. You make those supplies possible and are gratefully acknowledged at the event. Three Project sponsorships are available.

What do you get for your sponsorship?

To provide your sponsorship by check, please send your donation with payable to "Mission Edge / HandsOn San Diego" to:

Mission Edge / HandsOn San Diego
P.O. Box 102894
Pasadena, CA 91189-2894

To provide your sponsorship by card, please fill our your information below. The charge will appear as "Mission Edge - HandsOn" on your credit card. HandsOn San Diego is a nonprofit fiscally sponsored by Mission Edge, tax ID number 27-2938491.

For more information contact us at info@handsonsandiego.org. View our flyer here

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VolunBEERS Sponsorship

Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.

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Donation Amounts

Project Sponsor

Beneficiary Sponsor

Event Sponsor


Total Donation: $00 (Including $00 transaction fee)

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